Qigong & Tai Chi

Our Lohan Qigong and Tai Chi Exercise class is composed of:

  • a series of easy to follow warm up exercises combining self massage to stimulate the skin and muscle circulation, and gentle exercises for the body joints
  • breathing exercises to relax the lungs and expand the chest cavity, and to calm the mind
  • walking Tai chi and Qigong exercises to exercise and limber up the spine, to stimulate the balance, and stimulate the circulation
  • the 18 Lohan Qigong set – this set is divided into sections that are studied in detail and continually revised throughout the term

Most people in the West are familiar with Tai chi, but Qigong is less commonly known.

Lohan Qigong is a traditional system of  therapeutic exercises which could be described as a cross between Tai Chi and Yoga. It is an essential part of the Chan Family Shaolin Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu system, with its origins in the Shaolin Temple as far back as the 6th century AD. Traditionally only taught within the Chan Family Choy Lee Fut clan until the current era, this system of therapeutic exercises is quite unique and not widely available in comparison with standard forms of Tai chi.

It is an effective health promoting exercise, combining stretching of the tendons, ligaments, and muscles, co-ordinated with the breathing, and is excellent for balance, stretching of the joints, building internal body strength, stimulating the immune system, and for relaxation of the mind.

The 18 Lohan Qigong form is the basis for the Lohan Qigong system, and is a great all round exercise that can be performed in many ways to suit the physical needs of the individual according to their body’s limitations or abilities.

It is the perfect start to each day and when done regularly can greatly improve musculoskeletal ailments and keep the body going well into your old age.

More advanced students can then proceed to learning some of the higher level forms within the Lohan Qigong system.

The Lohan Qigong system has several other higher level forms including:

  • Siu Lohan, a fluid and flowing form that trains the body to follow the breath
  • Dai Lohan, a sitting meditation involving postures to direct the mind and breathing
  • Tai Chi  (Tai Git Kuen), which is a more martial style of qigong
  • Wu Qi (Mo Git Kuen), which requires a high level of skill, combining the softness of Tai chi with the power of martial arts.

These forms are for the more enthusiastic and serious practitioner of Martial Arts.